
Give the greatest gift. Your love.

When you give, you often receive more in return. And really all you need is a smile, an encouraging word, and a willing heart. So which volunteer option suits you?

Daily and Planned Dates

Program Support

Share old memories and make some new ones while helping residents with crafts, competitive games, seated exercise, and more.


Resident Outings

Provide transportation and companionship during local outings.

Portrait of a Saint Francis - Manchester resident

Planned Dates

Bus Driver

Offer encouragement and support during biweekly trips to Walmart, Dollar Tree, and other local retailers by assisting residents on and off the bus, transporting them (along with staff), and securing parking nearby.

As-Needed Group Projects and Events

Help out with one-time projects, like community upkeep, or accompany residents to recurring festivals and outdoor events. Individuals, large and small groups welcomed.

Volunteer Standards

  • Age 18+ preferred; younger volunteers must be accompanied by an adult
  • Background checks required for volunteers older than age 18

To get started, complete our volunteer application and send to [email protected] or call 804-231-1043 today.

Ready to help your community?